Cogito AI API
Threat Model

Initial Threat Model 1.0

Began fleshing out an intiitial threat model utilizing the Irius Risk AI Template
  available on Github:

Software with a high level of security and resilience to attacks can only be achieved if security is sustainably anchored in the development processes. This includes best practices :
   Threat Modeling
   Continuous assessment of Threats
   Adoption of secure libraries
   Source Code Assessments
   Security Posture Management

Initial Update: 9/24/25
First Draft 

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aviation flight data analysis

We often think of black box data as data used to analyze a plane crash. This is an early prototype which analyzes black box data from flights. The purpose of this project is to review flights for potential future problems caused by either the pilot or a control system.

In the early prototype we will focus on data during landings. The goal is to be able to easily evaluate landings using quantifiable metrics such as airspeed, groundspeed, vertical speed, and G-force.

Three prototypes will be built in parallel using different platforms including Spark/Scala, Elasticsearch, and .NET/C#. This initial protype will be used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each platform.

Update: 8/28/25
Moving implementation to AWS Opensearch 

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upcoming Projects

I'm always jumping into something new. As I add new projects I'll add them.

Below is a flashback to 2015 at the W3C meeting in Japan.

W3C Web of Things Interest Group meeting in Sapporo, Japan

29-30 October 2015

MozOpenHard Project on browser APIs
Samsung introduced their “Things Web”.

A high point of the meeting was the plugfest. We had some 8 implementations, many of which focused on the RGB lamp use case that was agreed in advance.